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Dowsing Updates --->>June 21, 2002





We've had our share of problems recently - our phone answering system had mind of it's own (it's still behaving strange from time to time), my experiments with water energy resulted in a leaky hot water tank and a few connections. The last item wasn't as bad as it sounds as it proved that the system is working, but it's a warning to those of you with an old plumbing system that want to improve the quality of your water - if the system works well - it will clean up your pipes and hot water tank and may expose cracks and poor soldering that were covered by scale deposits.

I'm sorry if we couldn't answer your e-mails in a timely fashion.

We still have a  number of Isis Brass Medium pendulums from our Cadillac Line made by Jozef Baj at $22.00 plus shipping (regular price $29.00) and several books by Walter Woods, the Vice President of ASD, author of "Letter To Robin" called "Powers That Be" for $12.50 + shipping.

As I mentioned in the last update - we were evaluating two new products and the results are rather encouraging. The first was the AquaCharge II system for water energizing. The main reason I got interested in this product is the simplicity of operation - you just either tape it or tie it to your main water line, the other reason is that I believe it's the first device of this kind to address the problem of leftover vibrations from the process of removing toxic pollutants. If you consider removed pollutants as a homeopathic substance - even after diluting it to the point that no single atom of that substance is present - there is still the vibration of it left and affecting our bodies. I have to say I'm quite impressed - my dowsing indicates decrease of vibrations of pollutants from 40% to less then 15%!  I put more info and a picture at:


The price for this unit (2 tubes + instruction manual) will be around $200. Please e-mail me if you are interested. I still haven't checked the effect on hardness.

The other device was addressing geopathic zones and suppressing the EMF pollution in the whole house. It's still being evaluated, here are some dowsed results:

in front of main fuse box - before - 60% (relative EMF), after - 30%

center of spare bedroom / my "lab" - 40% - 5% Now this is interesting as I have a lot of strange devices there and I expected it to be much higher.

in front of a sub panel - 60% - 25%

Some tests done with the tri-meter show almost 80% decrease in the electric field and slight decrease of the magnetic field. It's hard to evaluate its effectiveness on the geopathic zones as none were present.

I also tried some Twilight products - Prill Water and Magic Oil, and I find them quite interesting. For
more info and my comments please check:



Please send your questions, comments, suggestions, your
favorite dowsing and healing stories...

That's all for now, keep on dowsing!

Chris Gozdzik
Divining Mind
Send your input to: mailto:chris@diviningmind.com
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